Hippiesq, having exchanged some notes with you, it was nice to hear your voice and to hear your real first name. Karen is a great name which rational, no-nonsense people often have. Hearing you say "the trans narrative falls apart upon scrutiny" made me want to jump up and applaud. I'm ready to move back to New York City just to vote for you.

"Would you rather have a dead son or a living daughter?" That kind of bullshit reasoning is used for everything. My brother had a therapist say something similar just because he was encouraging his daughter to go to college, the assumption being that the slightest bit of pressure from a parent would cause his child to slit her wrists.

On Friday I was in the hospital with symptoms of congestive heart failure, so the likelihood is that I won't be around to see the country come to its senses and start rejecting transgender lobotomies. As a gay man, my interest is in seeing society adopt rational ideas and realistic positions. As a long-time Democrat, I was proud of the party that seemed to be intelligent on almost every issue. Sadly, that is no more.

One more thing: Debbie Hayton, a trans woman in England, agrees with all of you on these topics. She even says that having medical treatments as a child is a mistake (she waited until middle age). It's often the people on the "inside" who have figured things out (not always, obviously).

I think you are a group of intelligent and courageous women; and if you controlled the world (as women should, in my opinion), we would all be better off. Thank you to all of you for being the voices of reason that you are.

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Take good care, Perry. I’m so glad you enjoyed the episode.

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Thanks Jenny. I loved this interview

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