UnMuted: the TransMuted Podcast
Listen to Episode 14 with author Jocelyn Davis

Listen to Episode 14 with author Jocelyn Davis

on leadership, authorship, Democrats, mental illness, and why human females are complicated

I was introduced to my guest Jocelyn Davis when I happened upon an essay she wrote for DIAG (Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender), about how she came to question gender identity ideology even though doing so put her at odds with her political tribe. It’s something she and I have in common, and it’s the problem DIAG exists to solve.

Jocelyn had a successful 25-year career in professional leadership development and consulting, which she left to become a successful author, now with five books to her credit and a sixth coming soon. Her new book is a memoir of a temporary but harrowing detour into acute mental illness that led to a voluntary stint in a psych ward.

Links to some things we discussed:

DIAG Democrats on Substack, for which Jocelyn is the lead writer/editor

Jocelyn’s author website:

My conversation with DIAG founders “Ellie” and “Eliza”

UnMuted credits:
Music by William A Ferguson
Logo by Anne Gibbons

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UnMuted: the TransMuted Podcast
Conversations about the impacts of 'gender identity' ideology on the wellbeing of young people and families, from people with first-hand experience